Winners of the 2024 Tbaytel for Good Community Fund

Tbaytel has wrapped up its latest Tbaytel For Good Community Fund awarding five grants to the winning ideas on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 for a total of $30,000. Five incredible organizations across our region will now put their Tbaytel For Good Community Fund award to great use to implement or support their much-needed community projects. Based on the Judging Panel's decision, the five winners are:

Pope John Paul II Senior Elementary School

PJPII Grand-friend Program - $1,600

Each student of a Grade 7 class is connected with a senior at Pioneer Ridge and the pairs become Grand-friends. The students visit the home 8-10 times per year to visit with their grand-friends and participate in planned activities together. The grant will fund 10 bus trips for the students to ensure this program can continue next year.

Dryden Fire Service

Dryden Fire Service 122 Campaign - $4,099

In 2023, there were 122 fire-related deaths in Ontario. The 122 campaign aims to prevent future fatalities through both education and prevention. Dryden Fire Service will install 122 combination smoke/CO alarms in memory of the 122 people who perished in Ontario last year.

Rainy Lake Nordic Ski Club

RLNSC Chalet - Our Gathering Place - $5,550

The year-round, multi-use recreation facility is open to all residents across the Rainy River District and visitors to the area who enjoy the trails to ski, hike, snowshoe or bike. The Chalet is a gathering place for families, friends, community events and club activities, and provides storage for equipment. The grant will allow for repairs, upgrades, additional lighting, new supplies and signage.

Conmee Emergency Service Department

Conmee Emergency Services - $9,376

Intervention in the first few minutes of a traffic accident can mean the difference between life and death. A Holmatro Pentheon PCT 60 Combi tool will allow for faster rescue operations when these first responders must extricate victims from damaged vehicles.

Whitefish Valley Public School

Whitefish Kindergarten Play Yard Upgrade - $9,376

This project will provide the kindergarten kids with an improved play yard which will include a small play structure (boat), STEM activities (tuff tray, water discovery tubes, wooden plans, chutes for water play and cars) and areas for dramatic play (mud kitchen).

Our Tbaytel for Good Community Fund 2024 Judge’s Panel

  • Paul Burke, Sport & Community Development Supervisor – City of Thunder Bay
  • Michael Dick, Director, Programming and Journalism – CBC Central (Manitoba/Saskatchewan)
  • Mary Anne Harris, Retired Executive Director - George Jeffrey Children’s Foundation
  • Morgann De Franceschi, Student Trustee - Lakehead Public Schools Board
  • Dayna Pupeza, Coordinator – Children’s Centre Foundation
  • Volker Kromm, Executive Director - RFDA
  • Agnes Notarbartolo, Manager – Communication and Brand - Tbaytel
  • Peter Wragg, Building Operations and Maintenance - Tbaytel
  • Kendra Tocheri, Financial Officer – Superior Strategies
$ 0,0

How does it work?


Dream up a project that would benefit your community


Record a video (max. 60 seconds) that describes your project


Complete the online application and submit your video by 4:00 pm EST on Tuesday, May 21th, 2024


Wait for the Tbaytel for Good judging panel to announce the winners on June 18th, 2024


April 10, 2024 – May 21, 2024

STATUS: Closed
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