Device Blacklist

Report a phone that is lost or has been stolen

In the event that a wireless device has been stolen, Tbaytel can add your device’s electronic serial number to a shared national blacklist. Any device on the blacklist will be blocked from working on Tbaytel’s or any participating Canadian and International wireless provider networks.

There are 3 important steps to follow:

  1. If your device is lost or stolen, call Tbaytel Customer Care at 807-623-4400 immediately to report this so we can suspend your account. You will not be liable for any usage charges that occur after you have reported this to Tbaytel.
  2. If you believe your device has been stolen report it to your local Police Department and obtain a Police incident number.
  3. Once you have the Police Incident Number, please fill out the Tbaytel form below to request the blacklisting. Request processing time is 2 business days once we have received the form below.
  • Contact Information

  • Phone Number
  • Device Information

  • Phone Number
  • - -
  • Tbaytel can only add phones to the national blacklist that have been purchased through a Tbaytel Authorized Dealer.

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